Friday, January 2, 2009

Why Google Blog Search Matters to Your Business

Copyright © 2005 Tinu AbayomiPaul

According to Google, Google's Blog Search is "Google search technology focused on blogs". It includes search engine results specific to blogs not just in the community, but across the blogosphere at large. You can access it at

What the Big Deal Is

A lot of people have probably heard about this extra version of search Google has added and are greeting it with a big yawn, particularly since it's still in Beta. So what is the big deal, anyway?

The big deal is that the top search engine in the world, which was already paying particular attention to blogs in regular search results, seems to make a subtle statement with the introduction of blog-specific searches.

Blogs are important enough to warrant their own special level of search, and not just as an advanced search option, but in their own search engine.

If search engines are paying attention to blogging that closely, you should be too -- if you want better search engine results.

Current fans of blogs will be able to search the freshest results so that they can see what is being discussed right now - information that is often as fresh as the news, and draws upon sources that the media-at-large either doesn't have ready access to, or interest in.

So to those with even the most obscure interests or hobbies, a blog search powered by a top search engine gives ready access to fresh information on any subject that someone can blog about.

And if a blog doesn't yet exist on these narrow themes? You can be the one to start the discussion.

Why It Matters to Your Business

Speaking of the media, this is likely to become one of the many tools that a journalist in the know would use in order to research a story, or to find out more information about a company, directly from the people who use its products or services.

Technorati, is at present, arguably a better tool, but it's just not as well known as the Google brand. If you're a power searcher, you already know what Technorati is. But the key thing to understand is that most consumers - even B2B consumers - aren't as deeply involved in the internet.

But even those folks know what Google is.

There's an even more obvious advantage to this specialized search.

Google Blog search has the unprecedented potential to bring the mainstream surfer into blogging, even more than Yahoo's RSS Headlines pioneered the start of making RSS mainstream about a year ago. Why?

While many of your clients will fall instantly in love with RSS, it's more fair to them to present its possibilities in a format that's easier for them to digest. It's not as hard to explain a blog - and if you can't you can simply tell them it's a more frequently updated part of your existing site.

When Google's Blog Search is brought more to the front in coming months, if your site gets into position to be visible when more of the internet population becomes blog-happy, then the traffic potential for your site may prove to be enormous.

The proper use of one RSS feed in one of my content management systems doubled my traffic, with most of the new users coming from Yahoo, this time last year. Another feed increased my daily traffic another 75%, and brought me additional return traffic as well.

At the time the margin between Yahoo and Google was wider than it is today -- so the potential increase from being in Google boggles the mind.

How to Get Listed

According to the Blog Search Help Page:

"If your blog publishes a site feed in any format and automatically pings an updating service (such as, we should be able to find and list it. Also, we will soon be providing a form that you can use to manually add your blog to our index, in case we haven't picked it up automatically. Stay tuned for more information on this."

This means that if you're already blogging - and responsibly pinging, you're probably already listed.

If you haven't been blogging, you're in luck. This special brand of Google search is still in Beta, so if you get moving now, you still have enough time to start getting into position. And since the search currently seems to be focused on freshness and relevance, if you keep up the blogging once you start, and you keep your theme narrow, you could still dominate your niche.

Do It Today

The mantra for blogging before was that, proper blogging is a sure fire way to increase traffic, as well as build stronger ties to your end users or clients, not to mention that it is the simplest of the many implementations of RSS.

Now, with all three major search engines paying more attention to both RSS and Blogging, you can get spidered more frequently, get more of your pages indexed more deeply, and be included in more searches.

You have absolutely no time to waste - if you're not blogging already, you need to get started quickly. Many webmasters are hesitating because they haven't been able to find a blog system that fits well with their site, or find the most popular tools too sophisticated for their needs.

There are literally dozens of free resources to help you decide between the standard systems that were originally built for the personal blogger, and the more robust solutions that are aimed at the medium-sized or corporate company - but that's another article.

Whatever you chose, the important thing is to get started blogging today. You'll be missing out on targeted traffic from the most dominant search engine, from the most sophisticated surfers today, and sooner than you know it, the mainstream web.

Tinu Abayomi-Paul is the co-owner of Leveraged Promotion, which provides many solutions for companies who prefer to out-source their online promotion needs. At you can find out more about how RSS, Blogs and Podcasting can increase your online visibility.

Article Source: Free Articles

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed in Less than 5 Minutes

have a quick question to ask you... "do you know How-To set up your own BLOG and RSS Feed so you Too can take advantage of all the benefits Blogs and RSS(Real Simple Syndication) have to offer you and your business?"

If you answered NO, your not alone.

I didn't either at one time, but that didn't stop me from finding out How-To on my own.

So basically, what I'm trying to say is by the time you finish reading this article you'll be a master at setting up your own Blogs and RSS Feeds in a matter of minutes by simply following my simple 'Step-by-Step' instructions below.

With that said, Buckle Up, put your thinking cap on, grab yourself a beverage and get ready to learn...

"HOW-TO Set Up Your Own BLOG and RSS Feed In Less Than 5 Minutes..."

Know lets go to Step #1.

Step #1. Go set-up an account with

This is probably the easiest part of all, which is simply setting up an account at

Go there right now. It will take you to's homepage.

Once there, you'll see an orange arrow pointing to the right that says..."Create Your Blog Now" ... click on it.

That's Step #1.

Step #2. Creating your account with

If you thought Step #1 was easy than Step #2 will be a breeze.

Simply select a Username and Password that you'll remember followed by your Email Address.(You don't have to use your primary email address, you can use a Free web-based email account like Hotmail or Yahoo! if you like. Your choice.)

Then check the box that says "I accept the Terms of Service".

Now proceed by clicking on the orange arrow that says... "Continue".

That's Step #2.

Step #3. Naming your Blog.(Very IMPORTANT!)

Now, depending on what your Blog is about your going to want to use your target 'Keywords' within the name of your Blog, its description and the URL.

And there's a good reason for this simply because this is what the Search Engine spiders are going to see first.

They'll first see them within your Blog name which is at the top of your Blog that your visitors see, they'll see them within your description of your Blog and then they'll see them within your Blog URL that you choose.

Why is this SOoooo important?

By using your 'Target Keywords' within those areas I just outlined, thats what the SE's will use to index your Blog under so when someone does a search for those target keywords, guess whose Blog will pop-up within the results depending on your competition?

That's right, Yours!

The SE's will also use those area's I outlined for your SE listing within there results index.

Here's an example for a quick 'Case-Study' for you.

This is one of my Blogs I have.

Go to:

You'll notice my Blog title, description and URL all have the 'Keyword Phrase'... Internet Marketing Tactic.

To take this a step further, I want you to go visit these search engines MSN, Yahoo! and AlltheWeb and type in "internet marketing tactics" within there search boxes so you can see where my Blog sits within those SE's so you can see the importance of having your Target keywords within those area's I mentioned earlier.




In the MSN SE results my Blog is #1 for that keyword phrase, in Yahoo! I'm #11(not bad) and in AlltheWeb I'm #18.

Of course these positions will very in time but just as long as you get the point of WHY you need to use your Target keywords within those 3 areas.

Lets move on.

Now, your last step for Step #3 is to simply type in the 'Verification Code'.

Once you've done that, click on the orange arrow below that says... "Continue".

Step #4. Choosing your template.

If everything went well in Step #3 and that Blog name you chose isn't taken you should be looking at a bunch of Blog templates offers.

Simply select the one you like most and then click "Continue".


You just created your first Blog and completed Step #4.

You should now be looking at an orange arrow that says... "Start Posting". Click on it and it'll take you to where you can start posting whatever it is you want.

Now that you have set-up your Blog your probably wondering... "where does RSS fit into this formula?"

Step #5. Locating your RSS Feed URL.

What can I say, I always leave the Best for last.

Assuming your still within the 'Posting' area you'll notice a bunch of tabs at the top labelled, Posting, Settings, Template and View Blog.

Click on the 'Settings' tab.

This will take you to a sub-menu with a bunch of other options.

Out of all those options click on the one that says... "Site Feed".

And there it is.

It should look something like this:

This is the URL you'll want to use to promote your RSS Feed with to the RSS search engines and directories so that everytime you make a post, the RSS SE's and directories will be 'Automatically' notified and updated with your latest information bringing your Blog more exposure to your target audience.

That about sums it up for this tutorial, but, just before I go I'll leave you with a few articles I wrote earlier on RSS promotion to help you get the Most out of your Blogs and RSS Feeds.

Here are the links:

Now that you are armed with this information that I just revealed to you, you should have no problem setting up and getting the MOST out of your Blogs and RSS Feeds.

Want to get MORE 'Insider' marketing Secrets on How-To drive HUGE amounts of Laser Targeted Traffic to your website? Then you need to subscribe to Cory Threlfall's ezine called... The Internet Wonders eZine at -- internet marketing tactic

Article Source: Free Articles.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is Pay per Click Advertising

Pay per click (also known as paid advertising, cost per click or pay per position) enables you to list your website at the top of the search engine results by advertising on keywords that best describe your product or business. It is a dynamic marketplace, the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement will be displayed in the list.

You pay only when a visitors or customers clicks on your listing and connects to your site. You don't pay to listing your ad campaigns, you only pay for clicks. This way you only pay for the traffic to your site, there are no other hidden costs.

What are the benefits of a PPC campaign

PPC is useful for newer websites or those which are not currently being picked up and ranked by the search engines. Some of the benefits of undertaking a PPC campaign include:

Small initial Investment The search engines dont charge a monthly (or yearly) fee to place or run your ad. You only pay for the users that click on the ad.

Budgeting With a PPC campaign you will be able to set a daily budget and this can be increased accordingly as the quality traffic which is directed towards your website begins to create revenue.

Realistic for all Businesses PPC can create a level playing field for small businesses, especially if you are smart enough about picking the right keywords. Your ad might be right above or below a large business or national chain, depending on how much you bid for keywords or phrases and the kind of words you target.

An Effectively Targeted Campaign PPC gives you better control over which users arrive at your website through your choice of keywords. This is extremely important in ensuring that your advertising campaign is reaching the appropriate targeted audience.

Campaign Flexibility PPC campaign is so easy to measure, it also becomes very easy to adapt, or fine-tune, your campaign accordingly. This means that if a keyword isnt working for you or you decide to target a different audience, a revision of the advertising components is achieved easily.

Pay for Targeted Success Unlike more traditional advertising methods, launching a PPC campaign guarantees that you will only be paying for the people who are genuinely interested and decide to click through to your site. Every click can be viewed as a potential sale.

Testing Possibilities The speed of the traffic being driven to your site can often provide you with a fantastic way of testing out the demand for a new product or service without extravagant expense. This is possible as PPC is an extremely measurable and easy-to-monitor advertising technique.

Immediate Results When managed correctly a PPC campaign can produce significant results in a short period of time, sometimes even minutes.

Brand Awareness - Pay per click campaign is effective for increasing brand awareness, as even when the visitors do not click through they are still aware of the PPC ads appearing predominately on the results pages.

PPC or Pay per Click is proving to be one of the most advanced and effective ways of advertising specific websites by advertisers. Its become almost indispensable if advertisers have to make their website popular among the users.

IT Global Solution a pay per click management service provider significantly improves your return-on-investment from Overture, Google and other PPC engines by reducing costs, increasing traffic, and saving your precious hours of management time. For more information visit Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Company

Article Source: Free Articles

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Make Money Blogging

You have created a blog and your blog is dedicated to a niche industry. Have you ever thought that the blog could make money for you? We would look here in this article, ways and means, to make money blogging. Lets first have a look at what are the prerequisites for a blog needed to make money:

1. Blog needs to be dedicated to a niche market.

2. Updated regularly.

3. Enough back links (Don't worry for it. Directory submission would be enough to begin with)

4. Good blog host or application (blogger, Xanga or typepad recommended), and

5. High quality articles or news items supported with images.

Get the above criteria in place and Hurrah... You are ready to Make Money Blogging.

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Blogging

Lets now take a look at top 5 ways using which you could make money blogging:

1. Google Adsense

Google Adsense delivers text and image ads to the authorized websites/blogs depending on the content of the website. Small code is required to be pasted at proper locations on a webpage and Google automatically recognizes the page. Google shares the revenue it gets from the advertisers whenever a visitor clicks on these ads.

Google bills advertisers on price per click basis (PPC). Advertisers are required to pay only when any visitor clicks on their ads. They bid against each other for the keywords in order to receive better placement and thus prices for each keyword differ from one another. It is better to choose keywords for your blog which pays high $ per click.

2. Amazon

Amazon Associate program is another important way to make money blogging. The Amazon Associate program gives opportunity to website/blog publishers to promote any product from its inventory by adding a predefined code to their website/blog, which, when clicked by a visitor, takes them to the relevant product page. Once the visitor buys the product, the blog owner will be compensated with a commission.

3. Blogads

You can use Blogads as an effective tool to have a better control over the advertisers in your blogs. You can analyze and compare your profits with any one of your online agencies. Blogads can be simply specified as an advertising service used for the web logs or blogs. From the total money generated by Blogads, it retains 20% of it and the remaining money is paid to you through PayPal or checks.

Alternative Services:

• Crispads is another useful network focused on the blogs. You can put your advertisements in their blogs using Crispads. You can move through their RSS/ATOM feeds that help in generating revenues.

• Tagword – It is similar to Blogads. It makes you select the ads and their price.

Users can place their text-based ads in the site within minutes and the ads will be displayed instantly on the website.

4. Affiliate Programs

Your affiliate programs can help you earn a lot of money for selected products and services. Lot of websites offers you to become affiliate members. These affiliate programs can provide a better reach and an in-depth exposure to the products. The commissions for the sales differ according to the quality of the product, sales and marketing strategy involved. You can gather information related to the commissions by looking into the catalogues of Link Share and Commission junctions.

5. Text Links

Text links has emerged out to be the best form of moneymaking source that you can use instead of cluttering or crowding the page with ads. You don’t have to make these text links prominent within your website. This link can act as an extra value to your site and will also help to promote the rankings of other sites. In most of the cases you will find these text links placed in the bottom of the web pages. The best part of this strategy is that the publishers send and accept links as the market continues to grow.

Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and Entrepreneur Magazine e-Biz radio show host, became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world's top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies.

For more information, visit Bacak's site at or sign up for his Powerful Promoting Tips at

Article Source: Free Articles.

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Pay Per Click Definitions

Pay-Per-Click marketing has become an online phenomenon, with marketers only paying for traffic they receive. As Internet marketing has evolved, pay-per-click is seen by many as the middle ground between paying per impression and paying per sale. Advertisers only pay when they receive traffic that may or may not be targeted.

The pay-per-click advertisements are usually displayed with the advertisement from the highest paying bidder in the top position.

Navigating the complex web of Internet marketing, publishers and marketers are often confronted with terms that seem foreign. This simple guide will assist marketers in navigating the Pay-Per-Click marketing model.

Bid - The amount that an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on a specific keyword.

Budget - The amount of money that an advertiser sets aside for an advertising campaign. Different publishers allow for advertisers to set daily, weekly or monthly budgets.

Clickthrough Rate (CTR) - The percentage of clicks on a link. This is usually a percentage based on the total number of clicks divided by the number of impressions that an advertisement has received.

Conversion Rate - The relationship between visitors to a web site and actions considered to be a "conversion", such as a sale or request to receive more information: the percentage of people whose clicks have resulted in a sale or desired action in relation to the total number of clicks on an advertisement.

Cost Per Click (CPC) - The cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through to an advertiser's website.

Cost Per Thousand (CPM) - The amount an advertiser pays for one thousand advertisement impressions, regardless of the consumer's subsequent actions.

Delisting - The removal of a listing as a result of inaction or poor performance.

GeoTargetting - An advertisement targeted at a specific geographical region, area or location.

Impressions - The number of times an advertisement is viewed by web surfers.

Keywords - Search terms or phrases that are related to an advertisement or ad copy.

Landing Page - The specific web page that a visitor ultimately reaches after clicking an advertisement. Often, this page is optimized for a specific keyword term or phrase.

Linking Text - The text that is contained within a link.

Pay Per Click (PPC) - Advertising model in which advertisers pay for click-throughs to their website. Ads are served based on keywords or themes.

Rank - How well a particular web page or web site is listed in a search engine or advertising results.

Return On Investment (ROI) - The percentage of profit that results in a marketing or advertising campaign. Naturally, advertisers want the amount of money made to exceed the money spent.

Understanding the above terminology will help marketers navigate the pay-per-click advertising model, which has emerged on the Internet and become one of the leading advertising models in the online world.

About the Author:
Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for NotePage a wireless text messaging software company.

Article Source: Free Articles.
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